Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Keeping Those Cavities Away!

A few months ago I went to the dentist. I found a coupon and thought, "this is a good deal." So, I packed up the kids, and away we went. Upon a quick examination, the dentist declared that I had FIVE cavities. I'd never had a cavity before and now I had FIVE! "No Way!" I thought. I waited a few months and finally decided that I'd better get a second opinion. Well...guess what! I didn't have any cavities! Zip! Zero!
Moral of the story: buyer beware out there and if something seems out of sorts, get a second opinion. I saved hundreds of dollars by getting that second opinion and now I'm more determined than ever to have good dental hygiene!
The dentist that I now go to recommends a few things to help keep those cavities at bay. Here's his suggestions:

* Floss at night with Glide Floss:


* Rinse in the morning and at night with Act Restoring Mouthwash:

Only One Type of Mouthwash Won’t Rinse Fluoride Away
When you use a mouthwash after you brush and floss, you might think you're completing your daily oral care routine the best way possible. But, you’re not. When you use an ordinary, non-fluoride mouthwash after brushing and flossing you may actually negate the fluoride efficacy of toothpaste. ACT Fluoride Rinses and Restoring Mouthwashes contain the highest amounts of fluoride available in rinse form without a prescription.

Get the Facts
Regular use of ACT Anticavity Fluoride Rinse can:

  • Help prevent cavities in children over six as their teeth are developing
  • Strengthen tooth enamel
  • Prevent white spot lesions in teens with braces
  • Help protect the roots of adult teeth as their gums begin to recede

ACT Restoring™ Anticavity Mouthwash adds the additional benefit of killing bad breath germs. That’s why we call it 3 ACTs in 1 bottle.

*Brush at least morning and night with Colgate Total Toothpaste:

Colgate Total® toothpaste is #1 recommended most often by dentists and the first to be approved by the FDA and accepted by the ADA to fight plaque and gingivitis.

  • Complete 12-hour protection fighting a full range of oral health problems.
  • It helps prevent plaque and gingivitis — even after meals
  • Fights tartar build-up, bad breath and helps prevent cavities.

Available in a variety of flavors and forms. Choose the one that is right for you. Total Advanced Whitening Paste, Total Advanced Clean, Total Advanced Fresh Gel, Total Clean Mint Paste, Total Whitening Paste, Total Whitening Gel, Total Plus Whitening Liquid and Total Mint Stripe Gel.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Love Foam Soap!

I love Bath and Body Works Hand Soap. But I consider it a luxury and I pride myself in being economical so I always buy the big refill soap at Walmart and use and reuse the dispensers. I stumbled upon this recipe for foam soap...and I love it. It fulfills my need to use and reuse, and lets me have my Bath and Body Works Soap at the same time! I bought the foam soap on sale at Bath and Body and now I refill the foam dispensers with my favorite regular Bath and Body hand soap. However, this will work with anything! It's my new favorite frugal trick!

Foam Soap Refill

Don't throw away your foam soap dispenser or spend extra on the refills when you run out. It's easy to make your own! This also works with shampoo.

1 bottle



  1. Gently mix soap with water.
  2. Do not shake.
  3. Pour into foam soap dispenser.